Our fall AKC hunt tests will be a double held on 10/13 and 10/14/2018 in conjunction with the Vizsla Club of Illinois at Des Plaines State Fish and Wildlife Area – WEST GROUNDS.
WCNI Premium can be found here: 2018 Fall Hunt Test Inside
Entry forms for both days can be found here: Fall 2018 Saturday/Sunday Entries
Entry information and premiums for the VCOI test on the same grounds can be found here.
Junior Handler for any entry: $20 (Junior Handler Form) (Form to get Junior Handler #)
EMAIL ENTRIES W/ PAYPAL payment receipt to
PayPal entry payment for SATURDAY (Note there is a $2 NON-REFUNDABLE processing fee for electronic payment($50+$2= $52.00 charged)[nicepaypallite name=”WCNI FALL HT 2018 (Saturday)” amount=”52.00″]
PayPal entry payment SUNDAY (Note there is a $2 NON-REFUNDABLE processing fee for electronic payment($50+$2= $52.00 charged):[nicepaypallite name=”WCNI FALL HT 2018 (Sunday)” amount=”52.00″]
PayPal entry payment Junior Handler Fee (Note there is a $1 NON-REFUNDABLE processing fee for electronic payment($20+$1= $21.00 charged):[nicepaypallite name=”WCNI FALL HT 2018 (Junior Handler)” amount=”21.00″]
Please check back often for updates!