WCNI Running Order 4-22 & 4-23-17
Our spring hunt tests will be held on 4-22-2017 and 4-23-2017. They will once again be held in cooperation with the VCOI as a double event both days.
WCNI Spring HT Entry Form 2017
Event # 2017168807 and Event # 2017168808
This Hunting Test is held under the Rules and Procedures of the
Mail Entries with check payable to WCNI to:
Carol Barsema, Hunting Test Secretary
908 Laguna Dr., McHenry, IL 60051
(815) 385-4850
EMAIL ENTRIES W/ PAYPAL payment to wymcab@ameritech.net
Junior Handler for any entry: $15 (Junior Handler Form) (Form to get Junior Handler #)
PayPal entry payment for SATURDAY (Note there is a $2 NON-REFUNDABLE processing fee for electronic payment($45+$2= $47.00 charged)): [nicepaypallite name=”WCNI Spring HT 2017 (Saturday)” amount=”47.00″]
PayPal entry payment SUNDAY (Note there is a $2 NON-REFUNDABLE processing fee for electronic payment($45+$2= $47.00 charged)): [nicepaypallite name=”WCNI Spring HT 2017 (Sunday)” amount=”47.00″]